Sustainability is one of the key aspects of the corporate strategy of the Tropical Life. We strive to execute activities that contribute to enhancing the economic status of the stakeholders, preserving the environment where the resort operates and building the society nearby under the triple bottom-line notion. The role of Tropical life in contributing towards sustainable development is enormous whilst minimizing the negative impact on the environment.

We attempts to assist in developing our society through strategic CSR initiatives  along with

  • environmental conservation
  • livelihood development
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • preservation of national heritage,
  • social development

The sustainability philosophy has been embedded in our business strategy so that it will synergize with other embedded philosophies to improve the economic, environmental and social bottom-line of the business with a view to fulfilling the needs of our society

Tropical life with 12 lush acres bordering to 100 acre organic paddy field and Dambullu Oya gives breathtakingly view for the visitor. The resort built up in such a way that its infrastructure blend perfectly with the surroundings and preserving the wilderness minimizing the environmental impacts.

The resort uses innovative technology and best practices in sustainability by the use of solar energy, organic farming, tree planting programs both in-house  and neighboring area   which contributes largely to keep the carbon foot print of the resort to a bare minimum.

In our resort we get participation of our in-house guests to participate our tree planting program and volunteering in our plant nursery where we produce plants for freely distributing among community as a part of our cooperate social responsibility.

Biodiversity in Tropical Life

Biological diversity or biodiversity, refers to the variety of life in all its forms including plants, animals and microbes that exist and interact in the various biological communities and ecosystems. Biodiversity is typically a measure of variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem level
Sri Lanka is one of 34 ‘biodiversity hotspots’ of the world, with a large proportion of endemic species and a high dependence on its biodiversity for tourism and other social and economic activities.

The species diversity of Sri Lanka shows that having 4000 species of flowering plants, 107 species of freshwater fish, 59 species of amphibians, 174 species of reptiles, 435 species of birds, 140 species of mammals and several thousand invertebrates. Within the Asian region Sri Lanka has the highest species density for flowering plants, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

Tropical life, spread in 12 acre lush greenery land and bordering to 100 acre organic paddy field as well as to small river called Dambullu oya is undoubtedly one of a best biological hotspot in Dambulla. and bare the ownership for large number of species diversity as mentioned above.